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Meeting with representatives of the IT company "NSP" LLC and visiting its data center in the Kyrgyz Republic

New opportunities for doing business between the Kyrgyz Republic and Japan in the field of IT.

4 December 2020

 In early December, a meeting was held with representatives of the NSP LLC company working in the field of storage and processing of information in the Kyrgyz Republic. During the meeting, a data center was demonstrated; it should be noted that it is currently the only one in the Kyrgyz Republic. During the meeting, the sides discussed the possibilities of future cooperation between the companies.

Information for future potential customers and partners regarding the data center of LLC "NSP"

1) DPC LLC "NSP" in the Kyrgyz Republic was built by the requirements of international standards and using advanced technologies. 

 2) LLC "NSP" is 100% private property of the company including land, building, and structures. 

 3) LLC "NSP" has the appropriate licenses from the State Agency for Communications and the State Agency for Architecture and Construction for the construction and operation of data centers.

4) Engineers of NSP LLC constantly undergo technical training courses in the CIS, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, France.

Discussion of opportunities for future cooperation and opportunities for starting joint IT projects between companies from the Kyrgyz Republic and Japan.